Now accepting referrals for assessments only!
Our services are available through in-person, virtual and
telepsychology platforms, with complete client confidentiality.
When you first contact us, please remember to include:
A general description of the areas you wish to address (for example, depression, anxiety, relationship difficulties, sleep problems, or other issues)
Details of your insurance provider, if you have insurance
List of your medications
Dates and times you are available for an initial telephone call to help us understand your needs
Dates you are available for appointments
All your information will be kept strictly confidential.
To book an appointment, contact us by:
Telephone: 902.690.7281
If you reach the voicemail, please do not be discouraged.
Leave us a message. Voicemail checked every business daily.
Return calls made daily 5 to 7pm, except Thursdays.
OR, use the form below to send us an email.
Emails checked and responded to Tuesday and Wednesday 1 to 5pm,
and Thursday morning when possible.
If you wish to be added to the assessment and/or therapy Wait Lists,
please include your name, phone number and
enter "Please add me to Wait List" in subject field.
All sessions are by Appointment only.
Our Address
Contact Details
57 Webster Street, Suite 203, Kentville, NS B4N 1H6
Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri:
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 12:00 noon - 8:30 pm
Tel: 902.690.7281
Fax: 902.678.7955
If you reach voicemail, please leave a message.

57 Webster Street, Suite 203,
Kentville, NS B4N 1H6